Corey Harlock • Jan 22, 2024

Positive Intelligence: Taking Control of Your Saboteurs

Utilize the Positive Intelligence System to Your Advantage

The key to success lies not only in managing external factors but also in mastering the internal game. One powerful approach gaining popularity is the Positive Intelligence system, designed to help individuals take control of their saboteurs and unleash their full potential. In this blog post, we'll explore how small business owners can leverage Positive Intelligence to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.

Understanding Saboteurs:

Positive Intelligence, developed by Shirzad Chamine, introduces the concept of saboteurs – the internal voices that undermine our confidence, self-worth, and decision-making. These saboteurs, such as the Judge, Controller, Victim, and others, can hinder success and create unnecessary stress. Recognizing and managing these saboteurs is crucial for entrepreneurs aiming to build resilient businesses.

The Three Core Muscles:

Positive Intelligence focuses on strengthening three core mental fitness muscles: the Saboteur Interceptor, the Sage, and the Self-Command. Small business owners can benefit immensely by developing these muscles to enhance their overall positive intelligence.

Saboteur Interceptor:

  • Identify Saboteur Patterns: Recognize recurring negative thoughts and emotions that hinder progress.
  • Reframe Perspectives: Challenge and reframe limiting beliefs to foster a more positive and constructive mindset.
  • Shift from Judgment to Curiosity: Replace self-judgment with curiosity to promote growth and learning.


  • Accessing Sage Wisdom: Tap into the sage within to make decisions from a place of clarity, creativity, and empathy.
  • Focused Presence: Cultivate mindfulness and focused presence to enhance decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Positive Influence: Lead with a positive mindset, inspiring and motivating your team to overcome challenges.


  • Manage Stress: Develop resilience and effectively manage stress to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.
  • Goal Alignment: Align actions with long-term goals, ensuring that daily activities contribute to overall business success.
  • Celebrate Success: Acknowledge achievements, no matter how small, to foster a positive and motivating work environment.

Practical Applications for Small Businesses:

Team Building:

  • Implement Positive Intelligence training for the entire team to enhance collective mental fitness.
  • Foster a positive culture that encourages open communication, collaboration, and innovation.


  • Use Positive Intelligence techniques to approach decision-making with a clear and unbiased mindset.
  • Evaluate business challenges from a Sage perspective, considering long-term implications.

Customer Relations:

  • Apply positive influence and empathy in customer interactions, creating lasting relationships.
  • Address customer concerns with a solutions-oriented mindset, turning challenges into opportunities.

Positive Intelligence offers small business owners a transformative approach to tackle the internal barriers that can hinder success. By developing the Saboteur Interceptor, Sage, and Self-Command muscles, entrepreneurs can cultivate resilience, make informed decisions, and foster positive business environments. Embracing Positive Intelligence is not just a personal journey; it's a strategic investment in the long-term success and sustainability of your small business.

Learn more about Positive Intelligence:

Schedule a free consultation

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Running a small business is a multifaceted challenge that requires wearing many hats. Often, small business owners find themselves juggling a wide range of tasks, both major and minor. While this can be necessary in the early stages of your business, as your company grows, it's crucial to delegate minor responsibilities to employees to free up your time for more strategic tasks. Identify Minor Responsibilities The first step in the process is to identify tasks that can be classified as minor responsibilities. These tasks are typically repetitive, time-consuming, or don't require your unique expertise. Some examples might include administrative duties, data entry, social media management, and basic customer service. Prioritize Your Time Once you've identified minor responsibilities, assess your daily or weekly schedule and prioritize tasks that only you can do. This might include business strategy, high-level decision-making, building relationships with clients or partners, and managing the overall direction of your company. By clarifying your priorities, you'll be better equipped to delegate effectively. Evaluate Your Team To delegate successfully, you need to have confidence in your team's abilities. Assess their skills, experience, and willingness to take on new responsibilities. Consider conducting one-on-one discussions with employees to gauge their interest in specific tasks. Their input can provide valuable insights into where they may excel. Communicate Clearly Effective delegation hinges on clear communication. When transferring minor responsibilities, be explicit about your expectations, the desired outcome, and any relevant guidelines or procedures. Make sure your team understands why you're delegating and how it aligns with the business's goals. Provide Training and Resources If employees are taking on new tasks, ensure they have the necessary training and resources to succeed. Offer guidance, documentation, or access to training programs as needed. By investing in your team's development, you increase the likelihood of a smooth transition. Encourage Autonomy While it's essential to provide guidance, it's equally important to trust your team to take ownership of their responsibilities. Encourage autonomy and grant them the freedom to make decisions within their delegated roles. This not only empowers your employees but also reduces the need for constant supervision. Monitor Progress and Provide Feedback Maintain an open line of communication with your team to monitor their progress. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help identify any issues early on and make necessary adjustments. Offering constructive feedback and acknowledging achievements can boost morale and motivation. Create Accountability Hold your employees accountable for their delegated tasks. Implement key performance indicators (KPIs) and establish deadlines to ensure they stay on track. Accountability not only keeps your team focused but also helps you evaluate the effectiveness of the delegation process. Learn to Let Go One of the most challenging aspects of transferring responsibilities is learning to let go. Trust your team to handle the tasks you've assigned to them. Understand that they may do things differently, and that's okay as long as the results meet the defined standards. Continuously Evaluate and Adjust Delegation is not a one-time process but an ongoing effort. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the tasks you've delegated and make adjustments as necessary. As your business grows, your team's capabilities and responsibilities may evolve, so be prepared to adapt your approach. Transferring minor responsibilities to employees is a critical step in the growth of your small business. By doing so, you free up your time to focus on strategic and high-impact tasks that can drive your company forward. Through clear communication, training, trust, and accountability, you can empower your team to take ownership of these responsibilities, ultimately contributing to the success of your business. Delegation is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move that allows you to unlock your business's full potential. Learn More About Jeff: Schedule a Free Consultation
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